Sunday 31 October 2010

UCD further secondary research

water quality: looking into the viability of using water from the fal river/harbour area. these sources show the standards that water as to meet to be considered safe to drink, as well as the quality of water in the falmouth area. there seems to be some concern about the quality of the water in falmouth, through contamination and deep water dredging. This potentially possess issues with using water directly from the area as a source of drinking/washing water.

rainwater harvesting:
with the potential risks of using contaminated water, rainwater harvesting seems to be one of the most viable and safe options for water collection. the UCF student handbook shows the amount of water that falls in falmouth on average per month. Water aid also recommend rainwater harvesting as one of the best ways of getting clean drinkable water. there are also several sources of harvesting methods, although most are centred on integrated housing solutions. 

Water security:
water security is essentially the issue of water access. A lot of places have limited access to fresh water, and a lot of it is imported. water security relates to our continued access to clean water, or our potential lack of it. Finding ways of getting clean drinkable water is a bigger issue than just a small localised one. it has the potential to affect most of the western world and it has been said that the next world war will be fought over water. 
BBC News - Water map shows billions at risk of 'water insecurity'
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Viewpoints: The water debate
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Pulling the plug on wasting water

reverse osmosis:
the way that water pumps work is by forcing water thorough a semipermeable membrane that only water particles are small enough to fit through. This is particularly useful as it filters salty water to provide fresh water.
BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Osmosis
Reverse osmosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Mvura Water Purifier by Julie Frost

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